After Solveig’s Father Suffered a Serious Stroke, she Vowed to Keep her Blood Pressure Healthy.

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The following testimonial is based on the individual experience of a PreCardix customer, and is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your hypertension plan.

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What is High Blood Pressure?

When measured at home, blood pressure above 135 mmHg systolic or 85 mmHg diastolic pressure is considered high. If left untreated high blood pressure can cause heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular related diseases. High blood pressure treatments vary by person and may include lifestyle changes and clinical intervention.


Solveig’s Story

Like so many of us Solveig suffered from high blood pressure despite a healthy, active lifestyle. Tragically Solveig’s father Øivin, a strong active man in his late 60’s, also suffered from high blood pressure and ultimately experienced a stroke which left him paralyzed on one half of his body. Though Øivin was aware of his hypertension he had discontinued his high blood pressure medication because of the uncomfortable side effects it caused him. Unfortunately, over half of the world’s adult population suffers from hypertension, and this is a far too familiar story. Solveig’s father eventually succumbed to his disease and died just a few short years after the stroke.

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Unlike her father, Solveig used traditional blood pressure medication successfully and without side effects for over ten years. On the advice of her Doctor who was impressed by her good health and stable blood pressure she eventually discontinued the medication, and continued to eat well and exercise regularly. For the most part Solveig put her high blood pressure history out of her mind.

Five years later, her daughter Kari asked her mom about her blood pressure health. Reluctantly Solveig measured her blood pressure only to discover that the healthy levels she had experienced on medication had increased from 140/88 to 160 / 99.

Solveig felt frustrated and frightened. Her father’s hypertension history was a constant reminder that even ‘healthy’ people are not immune to high blood pressure. A few weeks later after consulting with her Dr. Solveig tried PreCardix, a clinically proven, natural ACE inhibitor derived from bioactive marine peptides. Though medication had not caused her any side effects Solveig was curious to see if PreCardix could help stabilize her blood pressure naturally. In January Solveig added two tablets of PreCardix each morning before breakfast to her routine. Within days her blood pressure dropped 15% and by April her blood pressure stabilized at 125/90, a full 22% reduction from her January reading.

Solveig significantly lowered her blood pressure using PreCardix. In addition to the positive health benefits of lower blood pressure she is happy knowing that she can manage her condition naturally, and of course her dog Pepper is too!

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PreCardix is Canada’s first natural health product clinically proven to lower blood pressure naturally without side effects. Consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your hypertension plan.

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