Margoth, age 74: ”I want to avoid blood pressure medication in the future”

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The following testimonial is based on the individual experience of a PreCardix customer, and is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your hypertension plan.

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What is High Blood Pressure?

When measured at home, blood pressure above 135 mmHg systolic or 85 mmHg diastolic pressure is considered high. If left untreated high blood pressure can cause heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular related diseases. High blood pressure treatments vary by person and may include lifestyle changes and clinical intervention.

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Margoth Hovda Lien (74) is living a healthy life without stress and medical complications. After she retired, she has had more time to enjoy hobbies such as traveling, hiking and skiing. She enjoys an active lifestyle and has always been curious to find new and natural ways to keep her body and mind healthy.


‘’PreCardix is a great alternative to avoid blood pressure medication’’


”I found PreCardix very interesting. Overall I prefer natural products, as medicines often have chemical ingredients that might cause side effects. I wanted to avoid blood pressure medication in the future, and PreCardix was the perfect solution to keep a stable and healthy blood pressure before I got to that point.”


‘’The results that PreCardix had on my blood pressure are impressive’’


Margoth has been taking PreCardix for 8 months. She is very happy with how the product has lowered and stabilized her blood pressure without causing any side effects. Her blood pressure has been measured at the doctor’s office on a regular basis, and the results are impressive.

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Margoth (74) feels safe when taking PreCardix because it’s a natural product that’s based on years of science and research

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‘’A safe and natural way to healthy blood pressure’’


Margoth feels safe when taking PreCardix because it’s a natural product that is based on years of science and research.

“What I love most about PreCardix is that it’s all natural and still gives me the blood pressure lowering effect that I need. It’s also nice that I don’t have to worry about any potential side effects. I’m still taking PreCardix on a regular basis and will continue to do so for as long as it keeps my blood pressure at a healthy level. I would highly recommend PreCardix to anyone who’s looking for a natural way to keep a healthy blood pressure.”

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PreCardix is Canada’s first natural health product clinically proven to lower blood pressure naturally without side effects. Consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your hypertension plan.

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Picture of Margoth