
Coffee and Blood Pressure.

Do you reach for a steaming cup of coffee first thing in the morning? You’re not alone! Coffee is the most widely consumed stimulant beverage in the world and is enjoyed by around 90% of North American adults1. While there are mixed messages about coffee and its impact on your health, it’s widely accepted that […]

PreCardix® Helps Maintain A Healthy Blood Pressure

Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is a key component of good health because blood pressure is tightly linked with cardiovascular health and elevated blood pressure is one of the most commonly reported conditions for which Canadians are prescribed medication for. A healthy blood pressure is often achieved and maintained through a variety of means including […]

Join the 8 Week PreCardix® Healthy Blood Pressure Challenge!

PreCardix® is an effective non-prescription natural product for healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health.  Join the challenge and try PreCardix® for 8 weeks to support your blood pressure health!   Step 1: Know your numbers and lifestyle modifications. When it comes to your blood pressure the most important first step is knowing what your numbers […]

Anxiety and Hypertension

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in North America, affecting around 20% of adults1. It causes significant impacts on health and quality of life and is linked with multiple other health conditions1. Anxiety often presents as “overthinking” or “over-worrying” and can impede relationships, work and simple day to day activities. It […]